


The CIES Peace Education Special Interest Group (SIG) was initiated in 2005 to bring together members of the Comparative and International Education Society with common interests in the study of peace and conflict, human rights, and social justice in education. Currently, the SIG has an active membership of some 50 students, practitioners, and scholars as well as an email list-serve that reaches more than 100 individuals. Past SIG activities have included inter-disciplinary panels held at the CIES meetings, networking events, school visits, and co-sponsorship of a conference held by the Teachers College Peace Education Center at the United Nations in the summer 2007.

We welcome scholars and practitioners who are interested in peace education and encourage dialogue and participation to strengthen the workings of this SIG. Please feel free to contact us for more information about the CIES Peace Education Special Interest Group and its activities.

Best wishes,
Ayaz Naseem & Hakim Williams, co-chairs (2011-2013)

About Us


The CIES Peace Education Special Interest Group (PE SIG) was initiated in 2005 to bring together members of the Comparative and International Education Society with common interests in the study of peace and conflict, human rights, and social justice in education. Currently, the SIG has an active membership of some 50 students, practitioners, and scholars as well as an email list-serve that reaches more than 100 individuals. Past SIG activities have included inter-disciplinary panels held at the CIES meetings, networking events, school visits, and co-sponsorship of a conference held by the Teachers College Peace Education Center at the United Nations in the summer 2007. The PE SIG welcome scholars and practitioners who are interested in peace education and encourage dialogue and participation to strengthen the workings of this SIG. Please feel free to contact us for more information about the CIES Peace Education Special Interest Group and its activities.

About the CIES Peace Ed SIG co-chairs:

Dr. Hakim Mohandas Amani Williams is Assistant Professor of Africana Studies and Education at Gettysburg College, Pennsylvania, where he teaches classes on human rights, postcolonialism, race, gender and identity, education for social change, Caribbean studies, and globalization. He received his B.A. (Honors) in Psychology from St. Francis College, Brooklyn, then completed his Master of Education in Comparative and International Education with a concentration in philosophy of education, and his Master of Arts and Doctorate of Education in International Educational Development, with a concentration in peace education, at Teachers College, Columbia University. His research centers on school/structural violence, educational inequities, and critical pedagogy in the Caribbean. Hakim is also a theater actor and has performed as Drakis (Lysistrata, at LaMAMA), Caliban (A Tempest, at SFC), Othello, Oliver & Demetrius (Staged reading of Shakespearean excerpts, at SFC). hakimwill@gmail.com

Ayaz Naseem: I am an associate professor of education at Concordia University. I see myself as a feminist peace educator and male moral ally. My research is situated on the cross section of peace education, post-structuralist feminism, and citizenship education. In peace education my published research focuses on the constructions and deconstruction of conflict and peace in curricula, textbooks and pedagogical practices, the peace educational value of the World Wide Web, the use of media especially celluloid in construction and the deconstruction of violence and peace. An emerging area of interest is how peace education in conflict and post-conflict societies such as Afghanistan, Sudan, Pakistan and Bosnia can contribute to starting the rebuilding and development processes. I have published widely in these areas including my latest book 'Education and Gendered Citizenship in Pakistan' and the forthcoming co-edited volume 'Constructions of Conflict and Peace in school textbooks. I have also been invited to guest-edit a special issue of the Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society (JEMMS) on relationship between textbooks, peace and conflicts in the regional context of South Asia. I have been involved with the PE SIG since its creation. ayaz.ed.cu@gmail.com



You can join Peace Education SIG at the time of subscription to CER at https://subfill.uchicago.edu/JournalPUBS/Society.aspx or at the time of online conference registration.

SIG annual dues are $10 and membership to CIES is required.

The SIG maintains an active list-serv that disseminates information about conferences, job openings, academic programs, and other events related to peace education in the United States and globally.

For further information please contact Ayaz Naseem (ayaz.ed.cu@gmail.com) or Hakim Williams (hwilliam@gettysburg.edu).

Research & Resources

Report on 2008 CIES Peace Education Activities   http://www.cies.us/newsletter/may08/Peace_SIG08.htm
Encyclopedia of Peace Education    http://www.tc.edu/centers/epe
Journal of Peace Education:    http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/offer/pec_info.asp
International Peace Research Association   http://soc.kuleuven.be/iieb/ipraweb/index.php?action=home&cat=home
Teachers College Peace Education Center   http://www.tc.edu/PeaceEd/
Amnesty International Human Rights Education   http://www.amnestyusa.org/educate/page.do?id=1102117&n1=4&n2=79
Inter-Agency Network on Education in Emergencies (INEE) Peace Education Programme   http://www.ineesite.org/page.asp?pid=1062
Peace Education - UN CyberSchoolBus  


News and Announcements

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